ansible_sdk package

class ansible_sdk.AnsibleJobDef(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: _DataclassReplaceMixin

Common Ansible job definition values

  • data_dir – path to a directory structure containing the Ansible project content and inventory.

  • playbook – relative path or FQCN of a playbook to run under data_dir

  • inventory – relative path to inventory file(s) or directory under data_dir, analogue to Ansible’s -i option

  • extra_vars – dictionary of variables for highest precedence level, analogue to Ansible’s -e option

  • env_vars – Environment variables to be used when running Ansible.

  • verbosity – None for default verbosity or 1-5, equivalent to Ansible’s -v options

  • limit – Matches Ansible’s --limit parameter to further constrain the inventory to be used

  • ident – The run identifier for this invocation of Runner. Will be used to create and name the artifact directory holding the results of the invocation.

  • forks – Control Ansible parallel concurrency

  • module – The module that will be invoked in ad-hoc mode by runner when executing Ansible.

  • module_args – The module arguments that will be supplied to ad-hoc mode.

  • host_pattern – The host pattern to match when running in ad-hoc mode.

  • timeout – The timeout value in seconds that will be passed to subprocess invocation while executing command. It the timeout is triggered it will force cancel the execution.

  • role – Name of the role to execute.

  • roles_path – Directory or list of directories to assign to ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH

  • metrics_output_path – A path to directory to collect metrics

data_dir: str
env_vars: dict[str, t.Any]
extra_vars: dict[str, t.Any]
forks: int | None = None
host_pattern: str | None = None
ident: str | None = None
inventory: str | list[str] | None = None
limit: str | None = None
metrics_output_path: str | None = None
module: str | None = None
module_args: str | None = None
playbook: str
role: str | None = None
roles_path: str | list[str] | None = None
timeout: int | None = None
verbosity: int | None = None
class ansible_sdk.AnsibleJobEvent(name: str, raw_event_data: dict[str, Any])

Bases: Mapping

Container object for various Ansible events.

  • name – name of the event type

  • raw_event_data – dictionary of the raw event data

  • stdout – display text output associated with this event (if any)

name: str
raw_event_data: dict[str, Any]
class ansible_sdk.AnsibleJobStatus(job_def: AnsibleJobDef)

Bases: object

Status object for monitoring running/completed jobs.


Request cancellation of a running job by the executor. On successful cancellation, CancelledError will be on raised on running iterators and on any awaiters of this job object.

drop_event(evt: AnsibleJobEvent)

Request discard of event data that is no longer needed.


evt – The returned event object to be discarded

property events: AsyncIterator[AnsibleJobEvent]

Async iterator to enumerate events from this job. Events are yielded live while the job is running; the iterator will not complete until the job has completed or failed. In cases of job failure or cancellation, the iterator will raise an exception with the appropriate detail.


a live iterator of AnsibleJobEvent data for this job

property stdout_lines: AsyncIterator[str]

Async iterator to enumerate lines of display output text from this job. Text lines are yielded live while the job is running; the iterator will not complete until the job has completed or failed. In cases of job failure or cancellation, the iterator will raise an exception with the appropriate detail.


an iterator of lines of display output text from the Ansible job
