
Resolve common issues with Ansible SDK setup and usage.

Ensure your Python version is >=3.8 before you start any other troubleshooting steps.

$ python --version

Resolving common errors

Encountered: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ansible_runner'


  1. Check that Ansible Runner is installed in your virtual environment.

    $ pip list | grep ansible_runner
  2. Install Ansible Runner if necessary.

    $ pip install ansible-runner

Encountered: ValueError: private_data_dir path is either invalid or does not exist


  • Change to the examples directory if you are running one of the Ansible SDK quickstart examples. The quickstart examples use the contents of the datadir folder, which maps to the private_data_dir path.

  • Ensure the private_data_dir directory contains all the artifacts and metadata for your jobs. Ansible Runner requires you to put all playbooks, inventory files, and so on in the private_data_dir directory. This is the directory that you specify in your Ansible job definition with the AnsibleJobDef('datadir', 'pb.yml') object.